Our Clients

Private/ Individuals/Sole traders

SRM Accountants provides accounting and tax services to individuals. There might be jobs too big for us but the good news is there is no job too small for us. We are happy to provide person centred services to meet you at the point of need.


SRM Accountants are experts in preparing the accounts of Sole Traders and Partnerships who in many cases do not have a formal or structured way of working compared to the larger companies. We will prepare your accounts regardless of whether your records are in the form of a cashbook, computerized or manual, accounting software or just a bag full of receipts. Our service as always is tailored to meet your needs.


Most of our Clients are people who are self-employed working across the industries and sectors. We have huge numbers of Social workers, nurses, healthcare professionals and many more who are self-employed and SRM Accountants has been their answer to all their book-keeping, accounting and tax issues.

Limited Companies

SRM Accountants prepare accounts in accordance with companies act requirements and International financial reporting standards (IFRS). As required by the Companies House, we will prepare and file abbreviated accounts with only the minimum required amount of information which will be available to the general public. We also provide advice regarding the rules and regulations and responsibilities of directors. It is also our responsibility to keep our clients up to date with any changes in company law.